Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 5, 2009

A birthday's gift

(based on a true incident hehehe. The time of this incident is not exposed. It may be this year, last year or even 3 years ago.)

-Hey, happy birthday, again! :)

-Oh, thanks. I got your SMS. Thanks again.

-Now, go to your bed, pick up the drape! I placed a gift for you underneath there...

I didn't wait to see the rest of the sentence on Yahoo! Messenger. I ran immediately to my bedroom and looked below the bed. Wow! It was a surprise for me. I didn't know when it was placed there. It was a birthday plan. I guess. The gift is a notebook with the word LOVE on the cover. On the other cover side, there was the word HATE.

I opened the LOVE side and it was blank. I opened the HATE side and it was written: "Happy Birthday!".

Do you hate me that much especially after putting the gift under my bed?

Bed. Gift. Love. Hate

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